Thursday, October 26, 2017

West Nile Virus in France

A woman from Nice, France presented with flu-like symptoms (headache, pain, fever) and was diagnosed with a West Nile Virus infection. The virus is often transmitted by mosquitos; therefore, public health officials are urging residents of the area to prevent mosquitos bites by covering their skin and using insect repellant. She is being treated, and her case is the first in the Nice area since 2015.

Some measures being taken to decrease the risk of transmission include: restrictions for the collection of "blood products and organ harvesting" and a search for other cases in hospitals and other health facilities.

Since the beginning of 2017, there have been several cases reported across the European Union including: 62 cases in Romania, 54 in Italy, 48 in Greece, 19 in Hungary, 4 in Croatia, 4 in Austria, and 1 in Bulgaria.



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