Thursday, October 25, 2007

The 2007 Canadian Mumps Epidemic!!

Back again concerning our northern neighbors...

While WNV is on the decline, mumps is running westward across Canada. 3 student teachers have recently come down with mumps at the University of Prince Edward Island (anyone read Anne of Green Gables?!?), causing practicums to be postponed. If no new cases are reported, student are allowed to return to practical teaching in mid November.

These are the most recent cases of mumps in the 2007 Canadian mumps epidemic, which originated in New Brunswick (north of Maine) as has spread westward as university students returned home from school. As of October 12, 2007, 848 cases of mumps have been reported from 9 of the 13 Canadian provines and territories, but remains centered in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Mumps is caused by a paramyxovirus and is spread from person to person by saliva droplets.


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