Thursday, November 2, 2017

"Coffee with Polio Experts"

I admittedly don't listen to podcasts, BUT I would consider it to learn something about viruses. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative is a collective of health professionals who aim to eliminate polio in the world. Since the initiation of their eradication campaign in the 1980's, the incidence of paralysis from polio in children has dropped from 1.000 cases per day to 100 per year. Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Nigeria are the last countries battling polio, so the initiative focuses its vaccination drives there. They also publish short, informational videos that discuss their efforts through the experiences of their "field commanders" on the front lines. One video features a Dr. Naveed Sadozai who recalls an instance when he had to convince sheepherders to let him vaccinate his family. This is just one of many issues faced by these "field commanders," give them a listen! (Sources: here and here)


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